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Frequently asked questions

Updated on 05/01/2023

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Conditions of access to attractions

  • Is the park open during high winds/rain?

    Rain does not prevent the operation of the attractions; however, a stormy episode - strong winds or heavy rain - may force the park teams to temporarily close access to the attractions for the safety of our visitors.

    In addition, when the weather is forecast to be less favorable, attendance is generally lower and lines are shorter.

    Over the winter period, the operation of some of our attractions is subject to the vagaries of the weather (bad weather, low temperatures, etc.). As a result, some attractions may open later than usual, or remain closed in the event of persistently low temperatures.

  • What are the conditions of access to the attractions for people with disabilities ?

    The park's attractions are subject to access conditions and restrictions, which are available for download in the "Services" section.
    The PSH access guide facilitates the visit of people with disabilities (and up to three companions).
    It can be obtained at the park reception desk upon presentation of the disabled person's identity card and his or her inclusion mobility card (CMI).
    No other proof will be accepted on the day of your visit.

  • What are the conditions of access to attractions for pregnant women?

    Access to some of our attractions is forbidden to pregnant women. Nevertheless, you can enjoy a pleasant day at the park by accessing the following attractions and shows:
    WAB Band Tour - On Air - Festival Station - TamTam Adventure - Melody Road - MonORail and Carousel. We must also add to this list our shows.

    Pregnant women receive a 50% discount on adult admission upon presentation of a medical certificate. 

  • What are the conditions of access to the various attractions?

    Of the 33 attractions and shows in the park, 12 attractions and 2 shows are accessible to children under 90 cm accompanied by an adult. Children under 90cm have access to the following attractions in the park and must be accompanied by an adult: TamTam Adventure, Melody Road, Carousel, Festival Station, MonORail, W.A.B Band Tour, Volt-O-Vent, Balloon Race, Les P'tits Chaudrons, the Festival City Playground, the Explorer Adventure Playground and the Exotic Playground.

    7 attractions are accessible from 90cm accompanied by an adult: Tiki Academy, Surf Music, La Coccinelle, On Air, Gold River, Dock'N Roll and Le Petit Vapeur. The Concert'O and La Chevauchée are accessible to children over 90 cm tall. Bambooz River is accessible from 1m accompanied by an adult.

    Only 4 thrill rides require a minimum height of 1m30 (Mystic, Le Totem, Generator and Le Galion), 2 rides a minimum height of 1m20 (Woodstock Express and Hurricane), 1 ride a minimum height of 1m05 (Airboat) and finally 1 ride whose minimum height is 1m10 (Timber). These attractions are also subject to height requirements in order to guarantee the proper functioning of the safety systems.

    We invite you to consult our attractions page to know the access conditions of each of them.

  • I want to do an attraction that my child cannot access, how do I proceed ?

    The park offers the Baby-Switch service.

    If your child is not tall enough, take the queue as a family and ask the attraction operator.
    You will be able to take turns on the attraction without having to rejoin the queue, so that your child, who is too small for the access requirements, is always under the supervision of a responsible adult.

  • Is there a kind of "Fast Pass" to get onto rides quicker?

    Yes, the park offers two products:

    • A 4xPass at the park cash desk or directly on our website.

    It gives you four quick accesses to a selection of attractions without queuing.
    - Quick access for 4 people to 1 attraction
    - Or quick access for 2 people to 2 attractions
    - Or quick access for 1 person to 4 attractions

    • A Full Pass at the park ticket office or directly on our website.

    This allows you to enjoy individual, unlimited rapid access for one day.

    Both products are valid on a selection of 15 attractions in the park: Mystic, Totem, Bambooz River, AirBoat, Coccinelle, Hurricane, Generator, Timber, Surf Music, Galion, MonORail, Gold River, Tam Tam Aventure, Woodstock Express and Tiki Academy.


  • Are there any morphological restrictions for access to certain attractions?

    To ensure your safety, some attractions are subject to physical restrictions (height, build, morphology, etc.) imposed by the manufacturers' safety systems (belts, bars or harnesses). Consequently, if the operator is unable to close the harness or the safety bar sufficiently, he will direct you to other attractions adapted to your morphology.
    Here are the attractions subject to these restrictions: WoodStock Express - Generator - The Totem - Timber - Hurricane - Mystic and AirBoat.

  • Can I film in the attractions?

    Yes, but only with a camera attached with a chest safety device (harness).

  • I have a cast, can I access the attractions?

    In general, we strongly advise against using casts when visiting an attraction. We invite you to read the safety signs in front of each attraction to determine if it is suitable for you.