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Frequently asked questions

Updated on 05/01/2023

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Transport & Accommodation

  • Does the park have a bus / coach parking?

    Yes, coaches can park for free in our bus parking lot, which is located to the right of the entrance to the visitor parking lot.

  • Does the park have parking for people with disabilities ?

    Yes, people with disabilities can park in reserved spaces accessible via our bus parking lot, located to the right of the visitor parking lot entrance.

  • How to come to the park?

    The park is accessible by car or by shuttle depending on the period, we invite you to consult the itinerary and the means of transport on the page : how to come ?

  • Is there a charge for parking in the park?

    No, the park parking is free for all vehicles. The park declines all responsibility for the parking of vehicles in its parking lot.

  • Can camping cars park up for the night in the park's car parking ?

    Access to the parking lot for one night is tolerated for camping cars but no facilities are available on site (water, electricity, lighting...).

  • Are there any shuttles to go to the park?

    We will inform you as soon as possible.

  • Is there any accommodation in the park?

    No, the park does not have any accommodation on its site, but it does have many accommodation partners. You will find all the information online on the "Accommodation" page.

  • Is the parking lot equipped with charging stations for electric vehicles?

    Currently, the parking lot does not have this type of equipment.

  • Does the park have a motorcycle parking lot?

    The motorcycle parking is located to the left of the main entrance of the park. The parking is free.

  • Is the park accessible by train?

    The closest train stations to the park are Saint André le Gaz and La Tour du Pin. However, there is no shuttle service linking these stations to the park.

  • Can I access the parking lot to drop my children off at the park?

    To drop off your children at the park, please use the drop-off area located at the entrance of the main parking lot.